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DA2 - Zagreb Design, Art & Architecture
the time of your life




FILM FESTIVAL je pokrenut 2019 godine na temeljima iskustva i uspjeha programa Secret Arts Cinema.


DA2 Film Festival prvi je festival u regiji koji objedinjuje filmove na temu dizajna, arhitekture i umjetnosti.

Predstavljamo ekskluzivne hrvatske premijere filmova koji govore o najintrigantnijoj sferi naših života, o kreativnosti!

​DA2 je ujedno i platforma koja ujedinjuje umjetničke svjetove i stvara zajednički prostor kreativnog djelovanja. Ona je mjesto susreta, povezivanja, razmjene iskustva, poticanja, stvaranja i promocije. 

U natjecateljskom programu prikazujemo dugometražne igrane i/ili dokumentarne filmove na temu:

  • izvedbene, likovne i vizualne umjetnosti,

  • urbanizma, arhitekture, dizajna, street arta

  • mode, kinematografije, plesa, glazbe

  • književnosti, stripaFilmovi u programu.

U prethodnim festivalskim izdanjima prikazali smo filmove o najpoznatijim umjetnicima, kreativcima i arhitektima poput Maurizia Cattelana, Renza Piana, Petera Lindbergha, Marcela Duchampa, Alvara Aalta, Lorenza Berninia, Bjarkea Ingelsa, Jana Grarupa, Marine Abramović i drugih..

Filmovi se natjeću za nagradu ISKRA koju međunarodni žiri dodjeljuje najinspirativnijem filmu. 


​Natječaj za prijavu filmova je otvoren cijelu godinu!

Više o DA2 možete pročitati u našem MANIFESTU

Sljedeće izdanje festivala  počinje 25.10. 2023




FILM FESTIVAL is launched in 2019 on foundations and success of Secret Arts Cinema Programme.


DA2 Film Festival is the first festival in the region focusing on films from the field of design, architecture and art. 

We are presenting the exclusive Croatian premieres of films that celebrate the most joyfull sphere of our lives, creativity!

DA2 is also a platform connecting artistic worlds and creating a space for creative action. It is a place of encounter, connection, exchange of experience, motivation, creativity and promotion.


​In the competition program, we feature films and/or documentaries that focus on following topics:

  • art, performance art and visual art,

  • urbanization, architecture, design, street art

  • fashion, cinematography, dance, music

  • literature, comics

In the previous edition of the Festival we have screened the films about some of the most famous artists, creatives and architects such as Maurizio Cattelan, Renzo Piana, Peter Lindbergh, Marcel Duchamp, Alvaro Aalta, Lorenzo Bernini, Bjark Ingels, Jan Grarup, Marina Abramović and others.


Films are competing for the SPARK award  for the most inspiring film in the international jury’s opinion. 


Film Submissions are open all year long!


More ABOUT DA2 you can find in the MANIFESTO



Next edtiotion of the festival starts on 25.10.2023

Thanks for submitting!

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