24.10 - 29.10.2023
DA2 Film Festival is competition film festival but also a platform that brings together different kinds of art through film, and creates a joint international space for creative performances.

Natječaj za prijavu filmova je otvoren cijelu godinu!
Film Submissions are open all year long!
DA2 FILM FESTIVAL je pokrenut 2019 godine. To je prvi natjecateljski festival u regiji koji objedinjuje filmove na temu dizajna, arhitekture i umjetnosti.
Predstavljamo ekskluzivne hrvatske premijere filmova koji govore o najzabavnijoj sferi naših života, o kreativnosti!
U natjecateljskom programu prikazujemo
dugometražne igrane i/ili dokumentarne filmove na temu:
izvedbene, likovne i vizualne umjetnosti,
urbanizma, arhitekture, dizajna, street arta
mode, kinematografije, plesa, glazbe
književnosti, stripaFilmovi u programu
Filmovi se natjeću za nagradu ISKRA koju međunarodni žiri dodjeljuje najinspirativnijem filmu.
Pravilnik možete naći ovdje.
The Rules and Regulations are here.
DA2 FILM FESTIVAL is launched in 2019.
It is is the first competition festival in the region focusing on films from the field of design, architecture and art.
We are presenting the exclusive Croatian premieres of films that celebrate the most joyfull sphere of our lives, creativity!
In the competition program, we feature films and/or documentaries that focus on following topics:
art, performance art and visual art,
urbanization, architecture, design, street art
fashion, cinematography, dance, music
literature, comics
Films are competing for the SPARK award for the most inspiring film in the international jury’s opinion.
Prijavnicu možete naći ovdje.
On line Entry form is here.