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#EuropeanFilmChallenge je interaktivni projekt razvoja publike koji koristi inovativne digitalne alate za promociju europskog filma na čitavom nizu platforma za gledanje filmova, s posebnim fokusom na internetske usluge. Filmski zaljubljenici imaju zadatak gledanja deset europskih filmova kroz tri mjeseca (koliko traje jedan krug natjecanja) na različitim legalnim platformama i u različitim kontekstima: televizija, kino, VOD,festivali, internet...Temeljem različitih pravila od porijekla odgledanih filmova do različitosti platformi na kojima su filmovi gledani natjecatelji prikupljaju bodove. Na kraju svakog  kruga natjecanja najuspješnijeg igrača odnosno pobjednika s najviše skupljenih bodova očekuje all inclusive odlazak na neki od najprestižnijih europskih filmskih festivala: Berlin, Cannes i Venecija.

Projekt  #Europeanfilmchallenge je imao tisuće sljedbenika. U Hrvatskoj ga je 2018. i 2109. godine vodila udruga PARi PIKULE. Naši pobjednici, veliki filmofili uživali su u čarima najvećih svjetskih filmskih festivala. Podjelili smo s njima neke od najljepših trenutaka.

Projekt je podržala  Kreativna Europa i Hrvatski Audiovizualni Centar. Uz Hrvatsku u ovom međunarodnom projektu sudjelovalo je više europskih zemalja; Litva, Latvija, Finska, Španjolska, Portugal, Bosna i Hercegovina i Srbija.



 #EuropeanFilmChallenge is an interactive audience development project that uses innovative digital tools to promote European films on a variety of viewing platforms, with a special focus on internet services. Film lovers will have a task to watch 10 European films over a period of three months (the duration of one challenge) on different legal platforms and in different contests; television, cinema, VOD, festivals, internet… Participants will collect points based on a number of rules, such as provenience of the watched films and the use of different platforms. At the end of every challenge the most successful player, that is, the winner of the contest who has collected the highest number of points will be awarded with an all-inclusive trip to one of the most prestigious film festivals, such as Berlin, Cannes or Venice.



The project #Europeanfilmchallenge had thousands of followers. In Croatia during the 2018. and 2019. the project was managed by PARI PIKULE. Our winners, big cinephils have enjoyed the magic of the bigest international film festivals. We have shared with them some of theirs dreamy moments!


The project was supported by Creative Europe and Croatian Audiovisual Centre. Besides Croatia in this internationa project participating countries were Lithuania, Latvia, Finland, Spain, Portugal, Bosnia and Hercegovina and Serbia.



10 000 ZAGREB

OIB: 37274655922

Pari Pikule

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