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Secret Arts Cinema je tematski program filmskih projekcija, odnosno vrsta kino događanja koj je tijekom 2017. s velikim uspjehom pokrenut u više gradova u Hrvatskoj. 

Odabir filmova je naš ključan segment projekta stoga donosimo ekskluzivne premijere filmova vezanih za različita područja umjetnosti (izvedbenih, likovnih i vizualnih umjetnosti), urbanistike, dizajna, arhitekture, street art-a, mode, kinematografije, literature, plesa, glazbe. Filmovi koji se bave spomenutim temama teško pronalaze put do kino dvorana, a riječ je o zanimljivim i intrigantnim naslovima koji tematiziraju najintrigantniju sferu naših života – ljudsku kreativnost. 


Secret Arts Cinema uz distribuciju i prikazivanje filmova uvijek organizira i «taylor- made» događanja vezana uz tematiku filmova. Svakom se odabranom filmu i njegovom prikazivanju prilazi promišljeno i individualizirano – bilo organiziranjem predavanja, održavanjem stručnog razgovora, koncipiranjem popratne izložbe, ili umjetničkom/zanatskom akcijom. Secret Arts Cinema potiće na interakciju među različitim granama umjetnosti te je izravna poveznica iskustva gledaoca i umjetničkog djela. 

Gradovi koji su sudjelovali u projektu tijekom 2017. i 2018. godine su Osijek, Pula, Rijeka, Split, Varaždin i Zagreb.

U sklopu platforme Secret Arts Cinema osnovali smo 2019 godine DA2 - Zagreb, Design, Art & Architecture Film Festival. To je prvi festival u regiji koji objedinjuje filmove na temu dizajna, arhitekture i umjetnosti.

 Dok se Secret Arts Cinema sada bavi samo posebnim projekcijama i distribucijom tematskih filmova.

Secret Arts Cinema is a themed film screenings programme, or more accurately film events successfully launched in 2017 in several cities across Croatia.

The choice of films is the key segment to the project; it includes exclusive premiering titles related to different arts (performance, visual and fine arts etc.), urban planning, design, architecture, street art, fashion, cinema, literature, dance, music. The films focusing on these subjects have a hard time finding their way to the theatres, even though these are interesting and intriguing titles examining the most exciting domain of our lives – human creativity.


In addition to film distribution and screenings, Secret Arts Cinema always organises a tailor-made event related to the film subject. Every selected film and its screening is approached in a carefully planned and individualised manner – either by organising a speech, symposium, accompanying exhibition, or by having an artistic/craft action. Secret Arts Cinema sparks interaction between different branches of art and directly connects the spectator experience and the work of art.



The cities that took part in the project during the 2017. and 2018. are Osijek, Pula, Rijeka, Split, Varaždin and Zagreb.

As a part of the Secret Arts Cinema platform in 2019. we have launched DA2  - Zagreb, Design, Art & Architecture Film Festival. It is the first festival in the region focusing on films from the field of design, architecture and art.

While Secret Arts Cinema is now dedicated jjust to the special screenings and distribution of the thematic films.





10 000 ZAGREB

OIB: 37274655922

Pari Pikule

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Secret Arts Cinema & DA2 Film Festival

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